We invited YOU to stop by and tell us what you are thankful for during November! We had an overwhelming amount of responses and we are so thankful for YOU, our patrons, neighbors and friends! Here are your responses:
I'm thankful for...
"...my family."
"...Sam because she brings me to the library." - Pam
"...the Madison Public Library- of course!" (We are thankful for you too!)
"... Mel and Anne."
"... God, books, and family."
"... my Frozen doll." -Alondra
"... friends, family, and health."
"... the library folks!"
"... my children." -J.H.
"... my family/ Elder Winfree."
"... my cousins."
"... my friends + family."
"... my children." -Mayra
"... being with my family."
"... the MPL and it's helpful and friendly staff!"
"... my vision!" -Sherie
"... YOU!"
"... books, TV, watermelon, movies."
"... the fact that I live in South Dakota (mainly Chester) where people are caring, concerned, and mainly law-abiding!"
"... God."
"... my laptop, my family, and a good home."
"... my kitty! (except when she's being naughty)"
"... food, friends, and sleep <3"
"... my family, food, home, and water!!"
"... PIE!"
"... books!!" -Quincy
"... the earth and everything on it."
"... my parents."
"... this library."
"... my family and my health."
"... my brother."
"... God letting us have a second chance, and my family."
"... TV"
"... a warm library to hang with friends!"
"... God, family, friends, health."
"... my family." - Victoria
"... toys!"
"... the world."
"... inspiring stories of great people, recorded!"
"... the people who keep this library open and warm." -Bruce
"... family and friends."
"... my God, my family, my friends."
"... great librarians who let us talk out loud :P"
"... God + family."
"... books, friends, TV, mom and dad." -Annie
"... YARN!!"
"... my five grandsons: Peyton, Dylan, Carson, Tyson, and Landyn!"
"... NASCAR!" -Alonso
"... the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ- John 3:16."
"... Family, Friends, and everyday I'm given to enjoy them."
"... that nobody can tell me who I can and cannot love. Live, laugh, and love with all your heart."
"... the opportunity to be a grandmother to a 6yr old and 3 yr old and my husband of 40 years."
"... public libraries."
"... eternal life with Jesus!"
"... being a part of US of America!"
"... for God's blessings in my life."
"... I'm thankful for my new family that I have now."
"... all the nice people."
"... I just want to say thank you to God... for my sister, 3 brothers, adopted family, my best friend, house, food, drinks, my two cats, and being able to keep living and pushing through hard times even when I wanna give up!"-A
"... family, mom, nieces, brothers (3), sisters (3), boyfriend, love, kind people, smiles from others, hugs, good neighbors, unconditional love from my dog. <3"
"... a good job!"
"... my life, friends, and family!" - 6th grader, Ariana
"... my faith, and my family."
"... having an awesome public library."
"... Husker football.. even on the bad seasons."
"... all my friends and family!"
Thanks so much for responding- we loved hearing your answers! We wish you a happy thanksgiving, may your bellies be full and your houses warm!