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A Day in the Life of a Librarian!

Since it's National Library Worker's day I asked Mel to tell me what a typical day in her life looks like! It usually varies day to day, so not all days look just like this one, since Mel has lots to do, but here's your glance into the life of a librarian!! Enjoy!

10 AM

- Arrive to work/ check and reply to emails

- Finished cleaning disc backlog from when the disc machine was off getting cleaned

- Counted and randomly chose out March 2018 Book Challenge Winner (assisted by Pat!)

- It was Becky Senner (Congrats!) so I called and left her an exciting message about winning! :)

11 AM

- Prepare the display cases for the next collection by calling and confirming pickup of current Grinch items

- Previewed April display items- stamps and prepared a plan of maximum impact!

12 PM

- Sat in an hour long webinar in regards to an electronic resource, Recorded Books that we provide for patrons, learned some cool things about the app and how we can access eBooks. audios, and magazines from one location

1 PM

- Home for lunch with my Wheaten Terrier/ Lab mix girl named Miley! Enjoyed some tacos and snuggles

- Made a pit stop at the bank to deposit a check!

2:05 PM

- Set up our DVD sleeves for our volunteer, Betsy, who helps us shelve and reset DVDs for circulation

- Due to Anne's absence helped out with shelving books by putting new books, audio books, and magazines away

2:30 PM

- Betsy arrives!

- Check and respond to emails

3:15 PM

- Help Betsy by shelving the DVDs that she pulls the sleeves and are ready for circulation

3:30 PM

- Shelved some more books, while waiting for a student to arrive

3:45 PM

- Helped a patron locate a book on the shelf, which took some patience

4 PM

- Proctored an exam for a student

- Gave instructions on the requirements for the test- what could they use and length of time

4:05 PM

- Began test, kept an eye out to make sure no cheating was happening

- During this time I read reviews and thought about program ideas for the library

4:45 PM

- Exam completed and scanned in, then emailed off to the professor at Black Hills State University

5 PM

- Updated the website tutorials from what I learned during the recorded books webinar

5:30 PM

- Checked and replied to emails, waiting for a response. We had a vouple messages for books- located and placed on hold shelf to call

6 PM

- Went home for the day!


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